03.15.09 The American Land Museum (Woodbury University)

Second-year Sophomores at Woodbury University’s School of Architecture presented their final designs for the new “American Land Museum” this week. The intention of the Land Museum as building project (infused with shades of landscape urbanism) gave students a formal freedom that drove some really impressive modes of making, representation and processes. In addition, the interpretive learning facility and museum was hypothetically sited on a very loaded site downtown – rich with environmental possibilities, but also problematic as students found themselves dealing with criss-crossing freeway onramps, historical buildings at Olvera street, Union Station, little space for parking and a fair amount of topography. Needless to say, the assignment contained some very complex programmatic and urban conditions.

The program for the new museum included a sky space, a green room, cityscape lookout, city map room and information & security kiosks. Students had previously researched Martha Schwartz’s Jacob Javits Plaza, the Cheong Gye Cheon River in Seoul, and the garden city of Esfahan in Iran for preliminary case studies and precedents.

Below are a few glimpses into the review and highlighted projects. Good work guys!

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